Who We Are

We are an international movement of people, called first and foremost to pray to end sex
trafficking. We are serious about the task before us and have publicly declared that we are no
longer willing to accept that sex trafficking is okay anywhere in the world.

We are building an international team of intercessors to prayer in 15-minute time segments 24
hours a day, seven days a week, 365(6) days a year. You should become a part of the movement.
At the same time, starting in Jerusalem, we are building local prayer centers to pray an end to sex
trafficking in each city. You should join the prayer center in your city when we have established

While we believe in the critical and essential power of prayer, we know that it will take more
than prayer to end sex trafficking. That is why we are preparing to educate students all over the
world about sex trafficking—what it is, how to spot it, how to avoid being trafficked, etc.
This is just the beginning—we will be expanding and growing our work over time. We will be
engaging more and more people and churches in the movement and we will see an end to sex